Visit  Instant-Creations Website

1.Choose a blueprint

Instant-Creations structure

Choose a blueprint that best suits the type of Website you want. We can advise and help with the selection process.

All structures can be modified, such as the number of menu links & the addition of sub-navigation.

2.Customisation & content

Instant-Creations customised example

We take your chosen structure and customise it with a logo, image/s, & create a suitable colour palette to apply.

If you have a logo or any branding, this will be included in the design process until you are happy.

3. Optional extras

Instant-Creations customised example

Instant-Creations has created a menu of optional add-ons, widgets, and services to provide you with the full package now or in time.

This includes contact forms, drop-down menus, flash movies, hosting/domain registration to name but a few.

4. Your Website goes live!

Instant-Creation example

Your Website is now complete and ready to go live. We'll then complete the final steps of submitting to search engines.

The entire process can take as little as 2 or 3 days depending on your commitment!